Weekend Update

I haven’t posted in a while because I have been thinking to myself this past week.

I flew to Toronto this past Wednesday to setup/network my client’s new office in the GTA. They are slowly starting to expand, which is great news for not only them but for my dad’s company. I actually enjoyed traveling alone among businessmen (and hot women) to do business. I felt like a million dollars while sitting in Economy class. Hopefully in the near future, I’ll be traveling all over the world to do this job in First Class. 😛

In other thoughts, I have decided I’m not going to let anyone else slow me down anymore. This is concerning relationships. I wonder why I even bother sometimes with them, as my enthusiasm dies down after a month of dating someone. The whole dating scene really discourages me. Maybe it’s the whole idea of going through the process of getting to know someone after X amount of time, only realizing that they’re really not for you. Now that I think about it, this is actually a good thing, since you figure out the problems before you dive in a serious/long-term relationship (or worse, getting married!).

I got a call from National Bank yesterday (Friday) concerning my debit card. Looks like someone attempted to withdraw 500$ from my account with a duplicated card. Supposedly they rigged an ATM machine to record down PIN numbers when a card has been accessed. I think one way to prevent this type of fraud to ever occur would be to implement RSA’s 2-Factor Authentication scheme involving a security token, where every client’s random generated number would be based on a unique algorithm with the server. Anyway, this is the second time in 2 months that my cards have been frauded. I need to be careful on where I do my transactions it seems. No more shady ATMs!

I finally got my full driver’s license, a whopping 15 points to spend on speeding tickets, missed stop-signs and miscellaneous violations. It sucks that the SAAQ has resorted to cheap, flimsy and low-quality cards as licenses. They’re no longer durable like the older generation cards.
Concerning the books I have been reading lately (Starting Strength and Think And Grow Rich) they have been progressing quite well. I’m almost done with the strength book while I’m only on Chapter 3 for Hill’s novel.  They’re great reads.

Finally, I’m still debating whether I should go to Resolution this New Years or not. While I have no problem going alone, the cost (100$) for a ticket doesn’t quite justify the amount of time I plan to attend. Perhaps I should just tag with my friends elsewhere and take it easy. The idea of partying until dawn isn’t really attractive anymore I’m afraid.